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Ken Nunoo Lyrics
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
The Trinity of Lights
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The source is one, but the manifestations are many, just as white light has a composite of 7 colors, so it is that our God is One, but manifests as 7 primary Elohims.

The divine trinity are levels within each of the 7 God heads, which function on a hierarchy of 3 levels each. The 3 part composition is what we see expressing itself on all levels and plains of existence. In the atom, we have the nucleus, the proton, and the electron. The atom being the basic form on which the molecule is built. The molecules bond to form the compounds of complex organisms. So, no matter how complex one organism is, it’s basic composition is that of the trinity.

It requires a minimum of 3 parts or attributes of anything to give manifestation to something. The number 3 is therefore very significant on both the physical and spiritual plains. For a God or man or atom or rock will consist of at least a minimum of 3 parts for it to exist. The number 3 is the dominating force or principle on the spiritual plain, passing through various levels or degrees to form all things below. Look at the complexity of colors we have around us, yet all these billions of colors are formed by the 3 basic colors of Red, Yellow and Blue.

The heavenly trinity maintains a slight variation of the trinity of colors. The colors of the spiritual or heavenly realm are White, Black and Red, whereas the triune colors of earth are Red, Yellow, and Blue. Keep this variation of colors in mind as you compare the physical with the spiritual.

The trinity is like a step ladder, where at each step you take climbing the ladder there are 2 rungs of steps above you. In climbing the ladder, you first take one step on the ladder. The second foot may rest on the same level as the first leg. You then lift up one foot up the second rung, while the first leg remains on the first rung. The hand then reaches up to grab the rung above you. Hold the picture in your mind for a second. One foot below, and one foot above, while the hands grasp the rungs above your head firmly.

This picture is the shape and design of the trinity. The trinity is an infinite number of 3 rungs, such that whichever level you are, you form a trinity. In that no matter at what stage you are, there are 2 higher stages above you.

I will illustrate this by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Starting from the number 1, the trinity is 1, 2, 3. Starting from the number 2, the trinity is 2, 3, 4. Starting from the number 3, the trinity is 3, 4, 5. Starting from the number 4, the trinity is 4, 5, 6. Starting from the number 5, the trinity is 5, 6, 7. Starting from the number 6, the trinity is 6, 7, 8. Starting from the number 7, the trinity is 7, 8, 9 I hope you get the picture by now, no matter at what level or plain of existence you are, you are connected to 2 levels above you.

click on the buy button to order the pdf version of the book "The Trinity of Lights" for $21. The pdf version is 176 pages long. When you place your order the electronic version of the book will be sent to your email within 24hrs. Thanks Ken Nunoo.

Posted by knunoo at 9:48 AM EDT
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Friday, 13 April 2007
Ken Nunoo Mp3 Music Store

Ken Nunoo MP3 Music Store

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Black of Darkness Vol. 1

Written and Performed By: Ken Nunoo

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1. 342nd Key Black of Darkness

2. 343rd Key Black Star

3. 344th Key Black Night

4. 345th Key Black Beauty

5. 346th Key Black Love

6. 347th Key Black of Darkness

7. 348th Key Black Sabbath

8. 349th Key Black Shoes

9. 350th Key Dancer

10. 351st Key Black Rock

11. 352nd Key Black Lace

12. 353rd Key Black Stockings


Posted by knunoo at 1:21 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 April 2007 5:25 PM EDT
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Thursday, 17 August 2006
Angelika Vol. 1

Celestial Hierachy One Two Three

Our empire is that of unity and synthesis
We are the intelligence in all life
Our station is Kether, the crown
Our number is one
Who are we ?
We are the Chaioth Ha-Qadesh, the God-head

Our empire is that of harmony
Wer are the reason in all life
Our station is Chokmah, wisdom
Our number is two
Who are we?
We are the Auphanim, the wise ones.

Our empire is that of creation of ideas
We are the activity and energy of thought in all life
Our station is Binah, understanding
Our number is three
Who are we?
We are the Aralim, the strong ones.

lyrics for 322nd Key Chaioth Ha-Qadesh


Our God, I AM THAT, I AM

O Lord, Our God, Qadosch

All ye, Our God, is one

Holy, is thy name
Holy, is thy name
O Lord, Our God, Holy

Holy, is thy name
Holy, is thy name
Kether, we sing, Holy

Holy, is thy name
Holy, is thy name
Eheieh, Our God, is one


Qadosch, Qadosch
O Lord, Our God, Qadosch

Qadosch, Qadosch
Kether, we sing, Qadosch

Qadosch, Qadosch
EHEIEH, Our God, is one

lyrics for 323rd Key Auphanim





lyrics for 325th Key Chaschmalim






lyrics for 328th Key Eloahum

Beresit, Bara Eloahum
et Hasamayim
Ve'et Ha'arets

In the beginning, created God
the Heaven
and the Earth

Ketheriel, Chokmahel
O Binahel, Gedulahel

Geburah, O Tiphereth
Netzach, Hod

Yesod, Malkuth


Seraphim, Eloahum
Beni Elohim, Yod He Vau He

lyrics for 329th Key Beni-Elohim

che che ku le
che che ku le

che che Kofi sa
che che Kofi sa

la la ti lan ga
la la ti lan ga

Bara ka ta
Bara ka ta

Bara Eloah
Bara Eloah

la la ti lan ga
la la ti lan ga

Nunoo Ken neth
Nunoo Ken neth

Beni Elohim
Beni Elohim

la la ti lan ga
la la ti lan ga

Bara ka ta
Bara ka ta

Bara Elohim
Bara Elohim

la la ti lan ga
la la ti lan ga

Lyrics for 330th Key Cherubim

By thy holy name, we call thee
EHEIEH, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
YAHWEH, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
JEHOVAH, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
ELOHI, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
ELOAH, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
YOD HE VAU HE, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
ELOAHUM, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
EMMANUEL, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
Cherubim by ADONAI, we call thee

By thy holy name, we call thee
SHADDAI, we call thee




Lyrics for 331st Key Gloria

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria

Gloria, to your majesty
Gloria, to our creator
Gloria, to our God
Gloria, to your majesty

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria

Gloria, to the living God
Gloria, Holy and Mighty
Gloria, to the living word
Gloria, to your majesty

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria

Gloria, to the heavens
Gloria, to the earth
Gloria, to the seas
Gloria, to your majesty

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria

written by Ken Nunoo, alias BARAKATA

Posted by knunoo at 1:15 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 1 September 2006 1:22 PM EDT
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Meditations vol. 3

Hope and Joy

The theme of this album is Hope and Joy. Dance and rejoice with nature for what we have and hope for a better tommorrow.

Posted by knunoo at 1:12 PM EDT
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Meditations vol. 1


Meditations 1. Oceans 1. water of life, O Lord, by the letters KAPH, TAU, RESH, cleanse us from all impurities of the earth.

Meditations 2, Oceans 2. water of life, O Lord, by the letters CHETH, KAPH, MEM, ALEPH, HE, fill our mind with divine intelligence.

Meditations 3, Oceans 3, water of life, O Lord, by the letters BETH, YOD, NUN, ALEPH, HE grant us wisdom and understanding.

Meditations 4. Oceans 4. water of life, O Lord, by the letters GIMEL, DALETH, VAU, LAMED, ALEPH, HE grant us compassion to be merciful.

Meditations 5. Oceans 5. water of life, O Lord, by the letters GIMEL, BETH, VAU, RESH, ALEPH, HE give us the strength to overcome.

Meditations 6. Oceans 6. water of life, O Lord, by the letters TETH, YOD, PE,RESH TAU grant unto us the beauty of life.

Meditations 7. Oceans 7. water of life, O Lord, by the letters NUN,TZADDI, ALEPH, CHETH give us victory over all that us unholy.

Meditations 8. Oceans 8. water of life, O Lord, by the letters HE, DALETH, cleanse us to be worthy sons and daughters of God.

Meditations 9. Oceans 9. water of life, O Lord, by the letters YOD, SAMEK, DALETH, cleanse our blood and lungs from all impurities of the air.

Meditations 10. Oceans 10. water of life, O Lord, by the letters MEM, ALEPH, KAPH, VAU, TAU grant peace and serenity to all who partake of thee.


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Create Your Own

1. 267th Key Oceans 1

2. 260th Key Oceans 2

3. 261st Key Oceans 3

4. 262nd Key Oceans 4

5. 263rd Key Oceans 5

6. 264th Key Oceans 6

7. 265th Key Oceans 7

8. 266th Key Oceans 8

9. 268th Key Oceans 9

10. 269th Key Oceans 10

Click to listen and download this album at Itunes


Posted by knunoo at 1:09 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 April 2007 5:32 PM EDT
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Meditations vol. 2

The Sacrifice


Oceans 17 - Oceans 20

Act: 1 - Oceans 17. The coversation between Abraham and God. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as an offering to the Lord. Abraham is dismayed, sits at a table, head bowed down in sorrow, contemplating the reequest. He knows he must obey, yet the reuest grieves his heart, that he should kill his son Isaac as an offering to the Lord.

Act 2. Oceans 18. Abraham discusses the matter of the Lord's request with his wife Sarah. Sarah becomes grief stricken as well, but informs Abraham that they are to obey the Lord's request.

Act 3. Oceans 19. Abraham asked Isaac to accompany him to the place where they usually perfrom sacrifices to the Lord. On the way Isaac asked Abraham, where is the lamb to be sacrificed. Abraham's response, the Lord will provide.

Act 4. Oceans 20. Abraham and Isaac arrive at the place of sacrifice. Abraham proceeds to tie Isaac with a rope. Isaac, cries; Abraham weeps with his son. Abrahamam places Isaac on the altar. Just when he was about to strike with the axe, an angel of the Lord calls out to him, to stop him The angel then points to a goat, that Abraham is to use as a sacrifice instead of his son Isaac.

Posted by knunoo at 12:58 PM EDT
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Drums n Bass Vol. 3



Jungle 21. Lion of GOD, by the letter QOPH, protect us from accidents of transportation by sea.

Jungle 22. Lion of God, by the letter RESH, protect us from accidents of transportation by air.

Jungle 23. Lion of God, by the letter SHIN, protect us from illusions of the eyes.

Jungle 24. Lion of God, by the letter TAU, protect us from illusions of the mind.

Jungle 25. Lion of God, by the letters ALEPH, BETH, GIMEL, DALETH, protect our ears from valgarities of the tongue.

Jungle 26. Lion of God, by the letters YOD, HE, VAU, HE, protect us from weapons of earth.

Jungle 27. Lion of God, by the letters HE, VAU, ZAIN, protect us from weapons of fire.

Jungle 28. Lion of God, by the letters, CHETH, TETH, YOD, protect us from weapons of water.

Jungle 29, Lion of God, by the letters, ALEPH, RESH, YOD, LAMED, protect us from weapons of air.

Jungle 30. Lion of God, by the letters, BETH, RESH, KAPH, TAU, guide our footsteps in the knowledge of God.

321st Key Jungle 31"
(Ken Nunoo)

lyrics for 321st Key Jungle 31

Elo Ahum, Elo Ahum
Elo Ahum, Elo Ahum
Elo Ahum, Elo Ahum
Elo Ahum, Elo Ahum

Background Chorus



Posted by knunoo at 12:54 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 17 September 2006 4:09 PM EDT
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Drums n Bass Vol. 2



Jungle 11, Lion of God, by the letter YOD, protect us from the destruction of the wind.

Jungle 12. Lion of God, by the letter KAPH, protect us from the wild beasts of the forest.

Jungle 13. Lion of God, by the letter LAMED, protect us from the poison of creeping creatures.

Jungle 14. Lion of God, by the letter MEM, protect us from the harmful creatures of the sea.

Jungle 15. Lion of God, by the letter NUN, protect us from the destructions of water.

Jungle 16. Lion of God, by the letter SAMECH, protect our body when we sleep.

Jungle 17. Lion of God, by the letter AYIN, protect us from poisonous fruits.

Jungle 18. Lion of God, by the letter Pe, protect us from the dust of the wind.

Jungle 19. Lion of God, by the letter TZADDI, protect us from accidents of transportation by land.


lyrics for 310th key Jungle 20

Heaven is calling
Heaven calls, and we all go there
We know we will

We will get there
Heaven, knows how we will get there
We know we will

We know, we all, will go
Heaven's road, will be narrow and rough

But, we will get there
Heaven knows how we will get there
We know we will


Heaven is calling
We are going
We will get there

Written by: Ken Nunoo alias BARAKATA

Create Your Own

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket



Posted by knunoo at 12:45 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 April 2007 5:42 PM EDT
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Drums n Bass Vol. 1



Jungle 1. Lion of God, by the letter ALEPH, protect us from the dangers of the wind.

Jungle 2. Lion of God, by the letter BETH, protect us from the evil ones.

Jungle 3. Lion of God, by the letter GIMEL, protect us from sickness caused by insects.

Jungle 4. Lion of God, by the letter DALETH, protect us from sickness caused by germs of the earth.

Jungle 5. Lion of God, by the letter HE, proctect us from the poison of all animals.

Jungle 6. Lion of God, by the letter VAU, protect us from that is unhloly.

Jungle 7. Lion of God, by the letter ZAIN, protect our homes.

Jungle 8. Lion of God, by the letter CHETH, protect our body from physical harm.

Jungle 9. Lion of God, by the letter TETH, protect us from all harmful animals of the forest.

Jungle 10. Lion of God, by the letters ALEPH, LAMED, HE, YOD, MEM, protect us from all weapons forged by man.

Create Your Own

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Posted by knunoo at 12:43 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 April 2007 5:40 PM EDT
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Stars of Heaven

album cover


236th Key (Stars of Heaven) Lyrics

Stars of Heaven
Praise the Lord
Light of the Moon
light my way.

Stars of Aries
bless the lord
Stars of Taurus
praise the lord.

Stars of Gemini
sing to the lord
Stars of Cancer
praise the lord.

Stars of Leo
lead the way
Stars of Virgo
praise the lord.

Stars of Libra
balance my way
Stars of Scorpio
praise the lord.


Acquarius and Pisces
sing with joy.

written by - Ken Nunoo - Alias BARAKATA

250th key (Lord) Lyrics

Lord Jesus
we honor thee
Lord Jesus
we adore thee.

Our Lord Jesus
Our Lord and Saviour
Our Lord Jesus
We adore thee.

Christ is the way
Christ is Jesus
Christ is the way
Christ my saviour.

My Christ Jesus
will make me whole
My Christ Jesus
will comfort me.

My Christ Jesus
My joy and healer
My Christ Jesus
will heal my wounds.

My Christ Jesus
My lord and saviour
My Christ Jesus
will make me whole.

written by Ken Nunoo - Alias - BARAKATA

Posted by knunoo at 12:41 PM EDT
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